The Midlands Economic Forum (MEF) is a neutral independent forum designed to bring together representatives of the public, private and voluntary sectors to evaluate real trends in the local economy.

We work not only within the West Midlands conurbation but in the wider Midlands region, encompassing the East Midlands as well.

With world-class manufacturing, the UK’s second largest city, the 2022 Commonwealth Games and the prospect of HS2 all within the region, we work to improve the understanding of the regional economy in a global context.

We provide bespoke independent research, as well as offering a neutral venue for dialogue through an extensive programme of events for the business community.

Drawing in a broad range of sectors, MEF brings together an array of experts on the regional economy. These include policy makers (national, regional, European and global), representatives of financial institutions, manufacturers, economists, academics, and members of the voluntary sector.

We produce regular reports, including the quarterly ‘Midlands Perspectives’, a monthly update entitled the ‘Regional Monitor’ with a Brexit update, and several other key reports which are available to view under the Updates and Analysis tab.

Working closely with Birmingham City University, MEF is developing a range of analytic tools to develop a greater comprehension of the regional economy and its relative position within national and global value-added supply chains.

Notably, working with the University, we are jointly-developing a series of business seminars on Brexit, Industrial Strategy as well as providing regular updates of the comparative performance of the regional economy and its components sectors.

To keep up to date with the latest news, follow us on Twitter: @MidlandsEconomy @WMidsEconForum @GTFMidlands

Become an MEF Research Supporter

Through our regular publications, regular topic briefings and sectoral reports, we provide the latest updates and forecasts of local economic performance as international events impact regionally.

You can now become an MEF Research Supporter and help sustain our independent assessment and analysis of the region’s prospects within a global economic context.

The Midlands Economic Forum is a neutral, independent forum bringing together representatives of the public, private and voluntary sectors to evaluate real trends in the local economy. Events are run according to "The Chatham House Rule", agenda and participants subject to revision and change.

The Midlands Economic Forum is a registered limited liability company: Cardiff, number: 07025784 registered office: Beaufort Way, Aldridge WS9 0HJ