Sustaining Competitivness

6 July 2012

The Belfry, Wishaw, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands,B76 9PR

The West Midlands Economy in a Global Context

The West Midlands economy remains amongst the most dynamic and innovative in the world. With strengths across a broad range of sectors, namely Manufacturing, Design, Transport, Logistics, Law, Accountancy, Business & Financial Services, the structure of the local economy offers a platform for companies to thrive. Drawing in a range of expert commentators and practitioners, the “Sustaining Competitiveness” conference offer analysis and policy advice on how this global competitiveness can be sustained and enhanced.

08:00 Registration

08:45 Introduction
Moderator - Katie Rowlett, BBC
Welcome – Cllr Alan Farnell, Leader, Warwickshire County Council

08:50 The WM Economy in context
Chair - Jeremy Lefroy MP
The Global Economy - David Bloom, Head, Foreign Exchange Research, HSBC
The WM Economy - Prof David Bailey, Coventry University Business School, Local Manufacturer, Q&A

9:40 The European Market
Chair - Margot James MP
Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General for Enterprise & Industry, European Comission

10:30 Attracting Foreign Direct Investment
Chair - James Morris MP
Glenn Barklie FDI Intelligence
Mark Cook, University of Wolverhampton Business School

11:00 Coffee Break

11:15 Breakout session

Financing Growth
Lead: University of Birmingham Business School

Manufacturing Success
Lead: University of Wolverhampton Business School

Green Manufacturing
Lead: Coventry University Business School

Hong Kong
Lead: Invest Hong Kong

12:15 Buffet Lunch

12:25 Breakout session

Lead: Russian Midlands Business Club

13:15 Breakout session

Stimulating Innovation
Lead: University of Staffordshire Business School

Middle East Trade Finance
Lead: ABC International

Transport & Logistics
Lead: Forrest Research

Sustainable Housing
Lead: Sustainable Housing Action Partnership

14:15 The Export Challenge
Chair - tba
Sarah Hewin
Regional Head of Research (Europe)
Standard Chartered Bank

14:45 Industrial Productivity
Chair - Jack Dromey MP
Rob Dobson Markit
Rhys Herbert, Lloyds Banking

15:15 Policy Response
Chair - tba
Iain Wright, Shadow Minister for BIS

15:45 The All-Party Parliamentary Group on the West Midlands economy
Mark Garnier MP
Ian Austin MP
Lorely Burt MP

16:15 Concluding comments
Katie Rowlett, BBC
Doug Mahoney, International Trade Director, UKTI
Informal NetworkingBreakout Sessions

11:15 Breakout session

Financing Growth
Lead: University of Birmingham Business School
Chair: Gisela Stuart MP
- John Bryson, University of Birmingham Business School
- Paul Heaven, Blue Sky Corporate Finance
- Tony Stott, Midven
- Nick Tabiner, Lombard

Manufacturing Success
Lead: University of Wolverhampton Business School
Chair: Emma Reynolds MP
- Simon Griffiths, MAS
- Katie Teasdale, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce
- David Caro, Qualplast
- Stuart Farquhar, University of Wolverhampton Business School

Green Manufacturing
Lead: Coventry University Business School
Chair: Dan Byles MP
- Nigel Berkeley, SURGE, Coventry University Business School
- David Jarvis, SURGE, Coventry University Business School

Hong Kong
Lead: Invest Hong Kong
Chair: Mark Pawesy MP
- David Parker, Invest Hong Kong
- Rob Keller, Global Trade Finance, RBS

12:25 Breakout session

Lead: Russian Midlands Business Club
Chair: tba
- Rachel Farmer, RFS Consulting
- David Cant, Albion Overseas
- Dr Richard Connolly, CREES, University of Birmingham

13:15 Breakout session

Stimulating Innovation
Lead: University of Staffordshire Business School
Chair: Malcolm Harbour MEP
- Prof Geoff Pugh, University of Staffordshire Business School
- Paul Harris, PWC
- Malcolm Ryman, Spline Gauges.

Middle East Trade Finance
Lead: ABC International
Chair: Tristram Hunt MP
- Philip Patterson, ABC International
- Paul Harle, ABC International

Transport & Logistics
Lead: Forrest Research
Chair: Shabana Mahmood MP
- John Morris, Birmingham Airport
- Geoff Inskip, Centro
- Colin Leighfield, Transport Group, Black Country Chamber
- Cllr Ben Adams, Staffardshire County Council

Sustainable Housing
Lead: The Sustainable Housing Action Programme
Chair: Phil Bennion MEP
- Paul Mountain, Martineau
- Steve Newcombe, Mott MacDonald
- Alan Yates, Accord Houising
- Rosemary Coyne, SHAP

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The Midlands Economic Forum is a neutral, independent forum bringing together representatives of the public, private and voluntary sectors to evaluate real trends in the local economy. Events are run according to "The Chatham House Rule", agenda and participants subject to revision and change.

The Midlands Economic Forum is a registered limited liability company: Cardiff, number: 07025784 registered office: Beaufort Way, Aldridge WS9 0HJ