Regional Investment & Export Prospects: North America & Canada

26 February 2015

Aston Villa Football Club, North Stand, Villa Park, Trinity Road, Birmingham, B6 6HE

Venue: Aston Villa Football Club, North Stand, Villa Park, Trinity Road, Birmingham, B6 6HE
Date: Wednesday 25th February2015
Time: 15:30-19:00 (1:1s and informal networking from 17:30 – 19:00)

Admission is complimentary but delegates must register in advance to:

To download a copy of the latest agenda, please [Click Here]

The United States (US) is the largest, most competitive and technologically advanced economy in the world.
The US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has consistently seen growth of 1.8% or more since 2011. It is the UK’s top export destination and is ranked the fourth easiest country to do business with.
Negotiations between the US and EU for the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) should generate even more opportunities for the UK. This will remove trade barriers by lowering tariffs and making regulations similar.

UK goods and service exports to Canada were worth £8.1 billion in 2012. UK investment in Canada is worth £157 billion, which represents an increase of over 50% in the last five years. Canada has free trade agreements in place with more than 10 countries.

It has almost finalised CETA, an EU-Canada free trade agreement. CETA will provide opportunities for British businesses looking to access the Canadian market.

Opportunities for 1:1s with the Experts
Learn more about your company’s potential from the country experts speaking at our joint UK Trade & Investment/West Midlands Chambers of Commerce Prospects event.
You can book a 1:1 meeting (15 minutes) with the any of the panel members, to do so call 07703 735 408 or email

15:30 Registration & Light Refreshments
15:55 Introduction & Welcome: Peter West, International Trade Advisor, UK Trade & Investment
16:00 North American Economic Overview: Richard Stanbridge, Head of Industries and Senior Commercial Specialist, U.S. Embassy, London
16:10 Opportunities in Chicago: Elizabeth Thomas, Trade Advisor, UK Trade & Investment - Chicago
16:20 Canadian Economic Overview: Mark Richardson, Trade Commissioner, High Commission of Canada
16:30 Opportunities in Ontario: Fern Horine, Director, UK Trade & Investment - Canada
16:40 A Business Perspective: Jonathan Strassberg, Director, True Course Ltd
17:15 Coffee Break
17:30 1:1s and informal networking till 19:00

For further details:
If you have any queries, please contact:
T: 07738 324517

'Please note topics and times may vary'

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The Midlands Economic Forum is a neutral, independent forum bringing together representatives of the public, private and voluntary sectors to evaluate real trends in the local economy. Events are run according to "The Chatham House Rule", agenda and participants subject to revision and change.

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